Friday, April 1, 2011

New Contest!!!

Hey Everyone!
I have in mind a new competiton!

This one is called "Dream Prize (For A Day)"
Ok, this is not where you can win the dream prize, but what you would do with it!

Now all you have to do is enter the survey HERE and answer the following questions...
  • If you were SS for a day what would you do?
  • If you had UNLIMITED Stardollars what would you do?
  • If you were Stardoll Owner what would your first act of ownership be?
  • And if you could have ANYTHING on Stardoll, what would it be??
If you answer these questions in the most imagionative way, you could have your very own Suite Patrol, Interview, and Banner on the side of the blog, pretty kewl huh?

So just click HERE and you will be able to enter the competiton!
Winner will be drawn on the 20th of April 2011

Good Luck, Olivia

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