Thursday, April 21, 2011


Hey Guys,
Heaps of posting going on this month! We have 33, thats a record.
Also, when I looked today I saw that we have 60 FOLLOWERS. Well, I am over the moon about this because I have worked so hard on this blog, and heaps of the writers have as well. Some might think, "60 isnt much" but it is really hard to get 10! And we have 7,000 views and counting. So I would like to thank all of the writers and followers by having this little banner made with the whole crew on the blog.

Thanks again to everyone for your support, views, comments, contest entries and everything that helps out this blog, and lets slowly get ready for our 1st Birthday in August :D

I love you all so much, Olivia 


  1. That's great :)
    Happy to be part of the team!

  2. lol im in the back :P .... but nice work :) and also happy to be on the team :)
