Hey Dolls
This evening I interviewed
Lovely girl I must say :)
Miss.Olivia.99 's Suite :)
Click here
To see the rest of her suite |
Who is your fashion inspiration?
My fashion inspiration would have to be: Coco channel I love her style and she's so authentic her style is very different to other people and I love learning about her history and buying her things.
Who is your idol/role model?
My role model would have to be my sister Tori I've always looked up, also Miley Cyrus I really look up to her through looks and personality, last weekend I saw her in concert and shes such an inspiring person and a big role model to me.
What do you like about stardoll & when and how did you find it?
I like that Stardoll is a friendly environment for kids and adults all over the world and I love getting to be yourself by buying and dressing up your doll, I found Stardoll about 2 or 3 years ago when my sister showed it to me she doesn't go on it anymore but I'm always on it I love stardoll and always will.
What is your style?
My style is very modern and new I love shopping and looking in the latest shops when ever this the LE I'm always trying to get the clothes from it
What stores do you shop here on stardoll?
my FAVOURITE shop is bisou I love it because of the styles of clothes they bring in.
Do you like the new money system on Stardoll?
I have to say I didn't like it a first but I'm finding it really helpful know and I really enjoy using it because you can exchange it which is really good. I find it an easier way to use money.
About myself:
My name's Olivia I love fashion clothes shopping! I love it. I always tell people there is one big thing that I'd be happy doing while dying shopping I love clothes I'm always either on Stardoll or shopping, any-way moving on I have 2 sisters, I from Australia and I'm a big fan of Coco Channel! xoxo
Thank you to
For taking some of you time
to answer the questions I sent you :)
With love
Arielle xx
Arielle Michelle - Cupcaakez © 2011